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1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm.
Teen Summer Program 2023
You Can Participate
Three Different Ways!
Pick up a Time Tracker at the Library.
Do Stuff!
Pick Up Your Bingo Sheet at the Library.
Visit the Library!
That's It! Just stop by the library and you can enter to win a prize - every time!
All it takes is one visit to be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing!
Find out all the details in the
Teen Room!
Prize Options Include
A Surprise
Grand Prizes are a $200.00 Visa Gift Card OR a Kindle & $100.00 Amazon Gift Card!
Teen stuff
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