1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm.
How Do I ...
get a library card
If you are a full-time resident of Ketchikan, just bring in a State of Alaska picture ID and a piece of postmarked mail which has been delivered to your current local address.
If you are a part-time resident and own property within the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, bring a photo ID and a copy of your KGB tax statement.
If you are here for a few months, or if you have recently moved to Ketchikan and do not yet have the necessary ID, the public library has deposit cards available to new and temporary residents. (registration policy).
If you are a member of the USCG and are stationed here in Ketchikan, just bring in your military ID.
check my library account
Log in to your library account through our online catalog, or call us during open hours (907-225-3331). Your account ID number is the barcode on the back of your library card and your PIN is the last 6 digits of that barcode.
From the Library website, click 'Find Stuff' and then 'Search Library catalog'.
In the First City Libraries Online Catalog, click the link on the gray bar that says My Account.
Click the link for Review My Account.
Type in your User ID (your library card barcode) including all 14 digits starting with 23427000… and PIN (the default PIN is the last 6 digits of your library barcode).

get a library card for my child
Children enrolled in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District (with the exception of Revilla students) are automatically given a library account they can use to borrow materials from any member of the First City Libraries consortium.
Any child not enrolled in the school system who is 6 years of age or older can apply for and receive a library account, when accompanied by a parent or guardian with valid Alaska picture ID and proof of mail.
find out what items my child has checked out
Privacy laws of the State of Alaska (Sec. 40.25.140) prohibit public libraries from revealing details of a patron’s account to another individual.
However, your child can request a permission note be put on their library account to allow parental access.
borrow materials
Full-time cardholders can check out ten (10) DVDs and a hundred (100) items (books, magazines, audiobooks, CDs) total.
​Deposit card holders can have four (4) items checked out on their card at one time.​
Books, DVDs, magazines, CDs and audiobooks check out for 3 weeks.​
Your library card can also be used to download ebooks and audiobooks from Alaska Digital Library.
replace a lost library card
With a picture ID and payment of a $2.00 fee, we will replace your library card.
renew materials I have checked out
All items can be renewed once, provided another patron has not placed the item on hold. You can ask the librarian at the front desk, call during open hours, or renew through our online catalog.
1. From the Library webpage, click Find Stuff, then Search Online Catalog. From the First City Libraries Online Catalog, click the link on the gray bar that says My Account.
2. Click the link for Renew My Materials.
3. Type in your User ID (your library card barcode) including all 14 digits starting with 23427000… and PIN (the default PIN is the last 6 digits of your library barcode).
4. Select which items you wish to renew or select Renew All. Click the box that says Renew Selected Items.
5. A screen will appear verifying whether the items were renewed or not. If they were renewed, the new due date will display. If the items were not renewed, you will see the reason why.
The Library does not charge overdue fines on our items. However, overdue items received from off-island libraries through interlibrary loan have a $1 a day fine, until the item is returned. (Items received through interlibrary loan belong to other libraries, and the owning library determines the loan period, whether or not the item can be renewed, and the fine owed.)

return things when the library is closed
There is a drive-up book drop in the parking lot of the library from which we collect and check in items throughout each day. There is also a Library book drop at the Plaza Mall near the Community Bulletin Board, from which we collect and check in items several times a week.
Items that belong to the public library can also be returned to one of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District libraries.
return a damaged item
Please tell the librarian at the front desk that there is damage–do not try to fix it yourself. Patrons are not charged for normal wear and tear. Charges will be determined by the extent and circumstances of the damage.
put a hold on an item that is checked out
To put an item on hold that is checked out, you can do one of these three things:
1) ask the librarian at the desk, or
2) place the hold yourself at the catalog terminals (instructions are next to each terminal), or
3) place the hold from home using the Library’s online catalog
a. From the search list, click on the box that says Place Hold for the item you want to request. Or you can click the Details box, to see more information about the item, then click Place Hold from the menu on the left.
b. Type in your User ID (your library card barcode) including all 14 digits starting with 23427000… and PIN (the default PIN is last 6 digits of your library barcode). Choose the library where you want the item held.
c. Click on the box that says Place Hold. Another screen will appear verifying your hold.
When the item comes in, we will give you a call or email you to let you know it is on hold for you at the circulation desk.​
If you would like someone else to come in and pick up your item when it is available, just call the library during open hours and ask to have a permission note placed on your account.
borrow things from other libraries
Your library card can be used to check out items from the Public Library and the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District libraries. The Public Library and the School District Libraries share an online catalog.
If you can’t find the item you want in the online catalog, most items can be borrowed from other libraries in the United States. The request can be made at the front desk or over the phone during open hours. There is a $3 charge to search for a requested item.
This service is not available to patrons with temporary cards.
borrow AV equipment
The Library has the following equipment available for loan:
Slide projector
Overhead projector
Portable easels
Epson digital projectors
Projection screen
A deposit is required to borrow equipment and all equipment checks out for 48 hours, with one renewal.
To reserve equipment, call the Library at 907-225-3331 or come to the circulation desk.
reserve a meeting room
The library has a large multipurpose room (capacity of 35 people) and a small meeting room (capacity of 16 people) available for free use to nonprofit organizations for public meetings. The complete meeting room policy and the request form are available online. The complete request form can be scanned and emailed to: patt@firstcitylibraries.org.
The date you request may not be available. We will contact you about the availability of the room or with other questions. Once that has taken place, we will let you know the status of your request.
There are also two study rooms available (1-4 people). We do not reserve these rooms in advance, but you can sign up at the circulation desk if one is available.
get tax form and Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) applications
The Public Library gets income tax forms and instructions from the IRS every spring. IRS forms and publications are also available at www.irs.gov.​
Permanent Fund application forms are available at the library every year. You can also file online at pfd.alaska.gov​
If you would like to file IRS returns or PFD applications online, the library offers free Internet access.
request that the Library remove an item from its collection
The Library carefully selects items to be added to the collections--see the Library's Collection Development policy for details. ​
To request that the Library reconsider a decision to add an item to the collection, fill out the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form.