1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm.
Friends of the Ketchikan Public Library
Who we are:
Friends who know that our community needs and benefits from a first-rate library.
Friends who are interested in promoting the library by improving its services, resources, and community role.
Friends who care about libraries.
We are a volunteer group and an organized 501(c)(3) non-profit. Officers are elected at our annual meeting in April. We maintain email and mailing lists.
Sophia Pilgrim talk at 2024 annual meeting: The Friends held their annual meeting on April 16. Kayhi student and Teen representative on the Library Advisory Board Sophia Pilgrim was the featured speaker with a talk entitled 'The Importance of Teenagers to Libraries, and Libraries to Teenagers: The Good of Looking Ahead'.
What we do:
Summer Reading Club support
Book sales
Blueberry Arts Festival booth
National Library Week activities
Library Special Requests (purchases, subscriptions, activities)
Alaska Digital Library audio- and e-books
Teen Advisory Group support
Visiting Authors support
Book donations will be accepted next on Saturday, April 27th from noon-2pm at the U-Haul storage facility just past the mill north of town. Each household may bring up to 5 medium boxes of books in good condition. The Friends are not accepting encyclopedias or magazines. Once you get to the facility balloons will mark the Friends locker.
Where does the money come from, and where does it go?
Funds come from membership dues, gifts, endowments, memorials, the annual book sale, and the library book sale cart.
Money is used for Friends’ projects and for library needs outside the regular budget allowance.
Board & Officers
President: Tom Heutte
Vice President: Judith McQuerry
Secretary: Heidi Ekstrand
Treasurer: Lisa Scarborough
Kim Cool
Maureen Eldridge
Clair Fitzpatrick
Nina Hopps
Licha Kelley-King
President-Emerita: June Dahl