1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm.
Library Advisory Board
City of Ketchikan Municipal Code:
2.40.030 Library advisory board. (a) There is created a library advisory board for the purpose of advising the librarian, city manager, and city council on the operation of the library and such additional matters as the council may from time to time designate.
Meetings of the Library Advisory Board are held once a quarter in January, April, July, and October, on the second Wednesday of the month. Unless noted, all meetings are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meetings begin at 6:00 PM and are open to the public. Meetings are recorded for later posting on the City's website and YouTube channel.
To contact members of the Board, please do so through Pat Tully, Library Director. She will pass on all communications to the Board member or members specified. You may email Pat Tully at patt@firstcitylibraries.org, or send a letter to:
Ketchikan Public Library Advisory Board
c/o Ketchikan Public Library
1110 Copper Ridge Lane
Ketchikan, AK 99901
The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6pm in City Hall Council Chambers, with a continuation of the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6pm if necessary.​
Advisory Board meeting minutes:
If you would like to apply to become a board member, fill out an application form (a link to the form is on the City Clerk's webpage: https://www.ktn-ak.us/city-clerk ) and submit to the City Clerk's Office.
Further information about the role and expectations of the Library Advisory Board can be found in the Ketchikan Municipal Code.
Library Advisory Board 2024-2027
Chair: Grant EchoHawk, (Term expires 3/2027)
Vice Chair: Sharli Arntzen, Borough Assembly Rep (Term expires 10/2024)
Kate Govaars, At-Large Member (Term expires 3/2027)
Jack Finnegan, City Council Rep (Term expires 12/2024)
Sophia Pilgrim, High school Rep (Term expires 3/2025)
Nina Hopps, Friends Rep (Term expires 3/2025)
June Dahl, At-Large Member (Term expires (3/2026)
Deborah Simon, Borough Resident outside the City (Term expires 3/2025)
Sharon Montgomery, At-Large Member (Term expires 3/2026)