1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm.
Laptop checkout
The Ketchikan Public Library makes laptops available to patrons to assist in their research, networking, document, and presentation needs. Laptops are provided according to availability and are intended for people who require extended computer use beyond what the public internet computers allow.
Preference may be given to borrowers who are developing resumes and other employment documents, applying for jobs via the internet, or adult students taking online exams and/or participating in distance education courses requiring extended computer use.
Laptops are available for in-library use only by library patrons 14 years and older in good standing. Patrons may not let other individuals use the laptop.
Patrons must present their library card and photo ID to library staff at the time of checkout. The address on the library record must be current. Only one laptop may be checked out per library card. NO EXCEPTIONS!
The laptop is loaned in 2 hour increments for up to 2 hours per patron daily.
Laptops must be returned to the main desk in person at least 30 minutes before closing.
Patrons are advised to wait until the condition of the laptop is verified by a library staff member.
Direct printing from a laptop is not available at this time. Patrons may use a USB drive to copy their files, or email files to themselves and then use a library workstation to access the files and print them.
Each laptop is equipped with operating software and standard Microsoft Office applications.
Each laptop has built in wi-fi capability. Audio or video files must be played using headphones.
No additional software may be downloaded or installed on the laptops, nor changes made to their system configurations.
The library holds no responsibility or liability for claims relating to the loss, damage, or interception of any information, data, work product, or other material viewed, searched, or stored on the laptops. Patrons wishing to save files they have created must back them up to USB drives, or send them to their email address. All created files will be erased upon the laptop’s return.
Very limited technical support is available through library personnel. Patrons confirm that they have basic familiarity and comfort with the laptops and the software they will be using.
Any loss or damage of the laptops must be reported immediately. Patrons must not attempt to troubleshoot problems on the laptops.
Under no circumstances should a patron leave a laptop unattended. Laptops can be taken to staff to be held if the patron needs to use the restroom. The patron assumes full responsibility for the cost of repair or replacement in the event the laptop is lost, stolen, or damaged.
When all laptops are checked out, patrons can request in person to be placed on a waiting list. Patrons must be present within 10 minutes when a laptop becomes available or the laptop will be checked out to another patron.
Patrons must not engage in any illegal activities (e.g. hacking, pirating, downloading illegal materials, etc.) or in any activities inconsistent with the library’s Computer Policy. Patrons confirm that they have read and will adhere to these policies.
Violation of any of the above conditions may result in suspension of laptop borrowing privileges as determined by the Library Director.
Laptop Checkout Agreement and Guidelines
By signing for this equipment, I acknowledge that it is fully functioning, undamaged, and that all parts are intact. I have inspected each piece of equipment and pointed out any problems to library staff at this time. I understand that if any of the equipment is not inspected at the time of checkout, I am responsible for all missing or damaged parts upon return.
I understand that the laptop is my responsibility while it is checked out to me. I will take all reasonable precautions to protect it. If others use it while it is checked out to me and damage or loss occurs, I understand that I will be held financially responsible for any loss, damage, or criminal acts that may occur. I understand that under no circumstances should the laptop be left unattended; the library reserves the right to discontinue laptop checkout privileges.
I will not tamper with the laptop and accessories, or attach any equipment not meant for use with the laptop. Anything I save to the laptop will be erased when I return it.
I will return all equipment to staff at the circulation desk.
I agree that failure to comply with any of these rules and guidelines will result in the loss of borrowing privileges.
I understand that I am responsible for any/all fees incurred.
Do not leave the laptop unattended or exposed to extreme temperatures.
Do not place heavy materials on the laptop, as this can damage the screen.
No drinks without lids or any food allowed while using the laptop. Crumbs and liquids can get in the keyboard.
In the event of damaged equipment, library staff will determine if damage is the result of normal wear and tear. Do not attempt repairs, adjustments, or alterations of any kind.
Laptop Damage Rates
Replacement due to loss or damage (including failure to return the laptop) Current replacement costs Intentional vandalism (includes any scratches or marks on any part of the laptop, removal or rearrangement of keys, or any other malicious damage) $100 minimum charge or actual repair cost
Display hinge broken or inoperable damage due to misuse or negligence $100 minimum charge or actual repair cost
Damage which impairs operation of the laptop or any peripherals for 5 working days or longer
$100 minimum charge or actual repair cost -
Missing floppy drive, CD/DVD drive, battery $100 minimum or actual replacement cost
Missing or damaged network card $50 minimum or actual replacement cost
To sign up, please download and complete this form: Laptop Checkout Policy