1110 Copper Ridge Lane, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 907-225-3331
Open Sunday noon-6pm; Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 10am-8pm; Thursday-Saturday 10am - 6pm
Community survey 2017
The Ketchikan Public Library’s Community Survey was conducted from August 5 through September 15, 2017. Many thanks to all who participated!
Since people at different ages use the Library differently, we actually conducted three surveys–one for adults, one for teens and one for children. In addition to the survey link on our website and weekly Facebook and Twitter posts, survey forms were available in the Library, at the UAS-Ketchikan Campus Library, in the August 12-13, 2017 edition of the Ketchikan Daily News, at the 2017 Blueberry Arts Festival and the Ketchikan Volunteer Fair, and one Saturday each at the Alaskan & Proud Market and Walmart.
The Library used the information and suggestions provided by these surveys in its strategic planning process in the fall of 2017.
Though the survey is complete, we still want to hear your concerns, suggestions and questions!
Summary of survey results
As of September 26, 2017, 599 people took one of the three surveys.
Adult survey
434 people took this survey. Of these, 374 (86%) indicated that they use the Library, and 60 (14%) that they do not.
258 respondents – City of Ketchikan
133 live in the Borough, outside the City
14 – seasonal residents
11 – visitors
18 did not answer
22 – between the ages of 18-24
98 – between 25-40
125 – between 41-60
169 – over 60
20 did not answer
64% of Library users indicated that they live in the City; 32% that they live in the Borough outside the City; 4% were seasonal residents or visitors. 48% of non-Library users indicated that they live in the City; 33% that they live in the Borough outside the City; and 18.5% were seasonal residents or visitors.
Library users overwhelmingly rated Customer Service as excellent (84%) or good (14%). Ratings in general were high in all categories. The categories with the most ‘fair’ or ‘poor’ ratings were 13% for Movies and 10% for Internet access using wi-fi. The categories for Internet access using library computers, and Online databases received the most ‘Don’t know/Not applicable’ responses, each at around 44%.
Non-Library users most frequently indicated that they get their books, other materials and internet access elsewhere (61%). 45% said that the location was the reason they do not use the Library, and 34% said they are too busy to come to the Library. Only 4, or 7% said they felt uncomfortable in the Library.
320 Library users commented on what they valued most in the Library. The words that came up most frequently in these comments appear largest in this word cloud.
(Click on the cloud for a complete list of responses to the question):
230 Library users commented on the services the library could provide that would make it better. This word cloud represents the frequency of words in these comments.
(Click the cloud for the complete list of responses):
29 non-Library users responded to the question, What changes could the Library make that would make it useful or interesting to you?
(Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.):
And 14 non-Library users responded to the question, Are there materials, services or activities that the Library could offer but currently does not?
(Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.)
Teen Survey
74 people took the survey. Of these, 60 (81%) indicated that they use the Library, and 14 (19%) that they do not.
2 – age 11-12
38 – age 13-14
9 – age 15-16
12 – age 17-18
6 – age 19-21
19 – other responses
Teen Library users also rated Library Staff very positively, with 97% rating staff as Great or Good. Teens were more critical in other categories, with the lowest ratings for Music (24% rating it Needs Work, or Bad), and Online Resources (15.5% Needs Work, or Bad).
Teens who do not use the Library indicated most often that the reason is that they access the Internet elsewhere (92%), and they are too busy (64%).
56 Teen Library users commented on what they value most about the Library. This word cloud represents the frequency of words in these comments.
(Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.):
51 Teen Library users commented on what they think would make the Library better.
Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.):
8 Teen non-Library users responded to the question, Are there other reasons you do not use the Library? The responses were:
I don’t need to.
I don’t really like to read unless I really think I would like it.
Because it’s boring. Because I don’t want to.
I don’t know.
I go from school to home
And 6 Teen non-Library users responded to the question, What things or activities would make the library a place you would like to go?
fun things or free snacks
I don’t know.
I don’t know
More people I know
Kid survey
91 people took the survey. Of these, 89 (98%) indicated that they use the Library, and 2 (2%) that they do not.
11 – age 0-4
14 – age 5-6
22 – age 7-8
16 – age 9-10
11 – age 11-12
9 – other responses
Kids who use the Library rated Library staff and Books very highly, with well over 90% rating them Great or Good. DVDs had more low ratings, with 11% at Needs Work. 59% of users gave Online Programs a ‘Don’t Know’ rating; and 41% of users gave CDs that rating.
Only two respondents indicated that they do not use the Library. The reasons they gave were that they are too busy to come to the Library (‘sports’ were cited specifically), they get their books and other materials elsewhere, it is difficult to get to the Library, and they are uncomfortable in the Library.
71 kids who use the Library commented on what they value most about the Library.
(Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.):
58 kids who use the Library also commented on what they would like to see or do in the Library that would make it better.
(Click on the cloud for the complete list of responses.):
The two kids who do not use the Library had the following comments:
Are there other reasons you do not use the library? What are they?
It feels weird. Sports.
What things or activities would make the library a place you would like to go?
I’m just busy.